Getting the Oreons to "behave"!

GSoC Week 2 update

The second week of GSoC involved getting the behavior trees integrated with the Oreons, and thus the ability to run different animation loops based on the scenario in the game. Deltas for Oreons The basic prefab of an Oreon creature is defined in the Oreons modules. This prefab declares the... [Read More]

Oreons, Oreons everywhere!

GSoC Week 1 update

The first week of GSoC was a smooth one, with just making some dependency[1] changes for the MasterOfOreon module and getting the Oreons to spawn correctly in the world. Retiring the Miniion module Currently the Miniion module is composed of a lot of deprecated code and recent changes to the... [Read More]

Test markdown

Each post also has a subtitle

You can write regular markdown here and Jekyll will automatically convert it to a nice webpage. I strongly encourage you to take 5 minutes to learn how to write in markdown - it’ll teach you how to transform regular text into bold/italics/headings/tables/etc. [Read More]
Tags: test